Zombies Monsters Robots Closed Beta 2 Giveaway

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Zombies Monsters Robots Closed Beta 2 Giveaway
MMO Game: Zombies Monsters Robots | Area: North America | Official Website: Zombies Monsters Robots


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En Masse, publisher Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR) in collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com , MMOReviews.Com and F2P.Com offering this Closed beta 2 for the Zombies Monsters Robots “ZMR”.

Zombies Monsters Robots Closed Beta 2 is supported for the North America region only.

Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:

Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field adove.

Step 3. Sign in to your the Zombies Monsters Robots “ZMR” account if you don’t already have an En Masse account.

Step 4. Click on Account Settings.

Step 5. Click on Enter Code at the top of En Masse Account Overview

Step 6. Enter your closed beta key code.

Step 7. You should now have access to the Zombies Monsters Robots closed beta. Click on ‘Download Game’ in the ‘Your Games’ section to begin downloading the game client.

Step: Share with your Friends:

About this game:
Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR), known is Europe as Hazard Ops, is a free to play fast-placed third person shooter online game which features several gameplay modes, such as a horde/wave-based fights or a story-driven PvE campaign.