Webzen 9th Anniversary Coupon Giveaway

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Webzen 9th Anniversary Coupon Giveaway
MMO Game: WebZen Games | Area: Internacional | Official Website: WebZen Games
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Gameitems, WebZen , collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it offer you these Free Pack Giveaway for to celebrate the 9th anniversary of Webzen.com with a free coupon giveaway!
These coupons offer special bonuses for all Webzen games, as listed below!
MU Online:
[Bound]Bless of Light(Greater) (x3)
MU Legend:
Growth Potion (x5)
Resurrection Stone Of Life (x10)
MU Ignition:
Black Copper (x2)
Jewel of Life (x5)
Jewel of Soul (x10)
Basic Mount Feed (x10)
Magic Crystal (x10)
Morris’ Resurrection Scroll [x20]
Chest of Akene’s Blessing [x100]
Ultimate Training [1 hr] (x5)
PC Cafe Premium Item [1 day]
Dimensional Fissure Ticket (x3)
Casual Set (M) [No Trade]
Casual Set (F) [No Trade]
Hidden Village Pass 7 days
Scroll of Pet Power (x3)
Scroll of Refresh (x3)
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Step 4. Select your server and character, and enter the Cupon Code and clikc redeem coupon code.
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