Webzen 7th Anniversary Giveaway

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Webzen 7th Anniversary Giveaway
MMO Game: Webzen | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Webzen
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WebZen publisher for ASTA, ELOA, Mu Online, Rapplez, C9 - Continent of the Ninth Seal and Flyff in collaboration FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it offering this 7th Anniversary Free Item Giveaway for one of the WebZen games, choose only one your favorite game of WebZen.
Event Duration:
April 26 – May 24, 2016 (UTC)
A key is limited to one use per account. Read the following full details on each item pack:
Pocket of 20 Soul Stones
Arita's Blessing (1 hour)
Urma's Blessing (1 hour)
Strange Fate Stone Bundle
Noble Soul
Elixir of Dowa
River of Three Crossings Water
Soryura's Boxed Golden Bell (7 days)
Eva's Survival Pack
Psyche Wing (7 days)
Pure Phillos Uniform Collection
Elite Potential Scroll(1000)
VIP Service (3 days)
Docile Bear Egg
Hidden Village Pass (7 days)
Traveller's Tent
Red Lydian
Ancient Horseshoe
Stamina Saver x5
Animal Cracker x5
Impact Amplifier (1 hour) x2
Mirror Amplifier (1 hour) x2
MU Online
7th Anniversary Pack
Gold Channel (14 days)
Seal of Healing (14 days)
Master Scroll of Protection (14 days)
Master Scroll of Strengthener (14 days)
Master Scroll of Quickness (14 days)
Master Scroll of Health (14 days)
Master Scroll of Mana (14 days)
Master Scroll of Wrath (14 days)
Scroll of Health (14 days)
Scroll of Mana (14 days)
Scroll of Wrath (14 days)
Scroll of Wizardry (14 days)
Scroll of Protection (14 days)
Scroll of Quickness (14 days)
Promotional Support Box
Leona's Potion x5
Resurrection Scroll x10
Extreme Training [100%] (1 hour) x5
Extreme Potion Package
Wing: Akene's Messenger [WIS/STR] (1 day)
Re-Skill (Event)
Re-Stat (Event)
Gray Tuxedo (M) Box (7 days)
Pink Dress (F) Box (7 days)
Kitty (7 Days Event)
Pink Balloon 6h x5
Blue Balloon 6h x5
Yellow Balloon 6h x5
(Event) Syila Bike Box (7 days)
Upcut Stone (Event) x10
Refresher Hold (Event) x10
Vital Drink X (Event) x10
Grilled Eel (Event) x10
- Usable until: May 31th 2016 (end of contest)
- Coupon codes can only be used with a WEBZEN account.
- Coupon codes are limited to one use per account.
Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Go to and register ASTA or ELOA or Mu Online or Rappelz or C9 - Continent of the Ninth Seal or Flyff to create an account, and log in with your account.
Step 4. Go to WebZen 7th anniversary event Select the game, country, server, character you want to receive the item(s) on.
** The selections in each category are different for each game.
Step 5. Enter the Code (without hyphens) and Click ‘Redeem Code’
Step 6. The item(s) will be delivered to the account or character that you selected.
Step: Share with your Friends:
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