Wartune Beta Gift Key Giveaway

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Wartune Beta Gift Key Giveaway
MMO Game: Wartune | Area: International | Official Website: Wartune
More Giveaways
FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it with R2Games to provide the Closed Gift Beta Giveaway of Wartune.
The Beta Gift pack includes: Effective Date Aug.21 – Oct.20
Manaso Band x2
Mithril Necklace x1
Skeleton Key x1
Moderate HP Pack x1
Lvl. 2 Luck Stone x4
Bullhorn (small) x3
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Create your account, Here and login .
Step 3. Click the Bonus button on the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Step 4. Click the “Event Prizes” tab.

Step 5. Input your free gift code.

Step 6. You will then receive your free item in your in-game mailbox.

Notes: 1. Each code can only be used once.
2. Each character can redeem only one code.
3. All rewards are bound and cannot be traded.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Wartune is an exciting hybrid of all your favorite games in one. Role-playing, city-building, strategy, turn-by-turn combat, PvP arenas, hundred+ person BOSS battles, and even farming are all here in one unique game!
Wartune Features
1. Three unique classes: Knight, Archer, and Mage.
• Mages: as Masters of Magic, Mages can summon powerful spells to both attack enemies and heal allies.
• Knights: in their iron-clad armor, are capable of wielding two-handed weapons to stun forces and slice enemies in twain! Knights can also raise a mighty shield to protect their friends.
• Archers: with their speed and stealth, are known for their use of ranged attacks and sniper abilities. Coupled with specialized attack methods, the Archer is a force to be reckoned with!
2. Astral System: In addition to your skills and stats, Wartune features an innovative Astral System where you can collect and synthesize stars in thousands of different combinations to give your character the unique edge it deserves.
3. Quick Time Event (QTE) Combat System: A classic problem with turn-by-turn combat in the past has been the lack of involvement by the player in the action. You just click and the combat runs its self. With Wartune’s QTE system, you choose your action, but then must put in a random series of keys in a short timeframe to give your attack an added boost! You are directly involved in the game combat for the whole battle!
4. Daily Adventures: Wartune has over 20 daily quests and 20 Bounty quests you can do every day to gain gold, experience, and other valuable loot! With so much to do, you will never be bored.
5. PvP Battles: Wartune features 2 types of PvP battles, one-on-one battles and group arenas. You can either choose to battle opponents one-to-one, or you and your friends or guild mates can battle other small groups in an open arena. May the best player win!
6. Hundred Player BOSS Battles: you never need to go it alone! Every day, various bosses spawn and anyone can join the fight to take them down! But only the players who do the most damage will receive rewards. How much damage will you do?