Twin Saga Explorer's Pack Give Away

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Twin Saga Explorer's Pack Give Away
MMO Game: Twin Saga | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Twin Saga
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Gameitems and Aeria Games with Twin Saga, collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and offer you these Giveaway for the relaunch for Twin Saga the Explorer's Pack Give Away !!!
Duration giveaway start the 2on May 2017 to 7th May 2017.
Duration giveaway start the 13th April 2017 to 27th April 2017.
This package includes:
x 5 Astral Crystal
x 3 Loot Charm III
x 5 Loot Charm II
x 1 3-Star Gear Evolution Guarantee
x 3 2-Star Gear Evolution Guarantee
x 5 Advanced Gear Evolution Scroll
x 5 Revival Potion
x 5 Bank Access Key
x 5 Auction House Key
x 5 24-Hour EXP Feather
x 150 150 Loyalty Points
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Step 3. Create an account with this link Twin Saga or login with the actual account.
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About this game:
Twin Sagais a free to play MMORPG developed by X-Legend in which players get to travel to a fantasy world where they will complete missions and enjoy a story of magic and monsters. It features 10 different classes, and players can switch between them on the same character without needing to create a different hero. It offers colourful anime-style graphics and all kind of content, from PvP to PvE dungeons and raids.