Troy Open Beta Giveaway of 5$ with ALT1 Coins

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Troy Open Beta Giveaway of 5$ with ALT1 Coins
MMO Game: Troy | Area: International | Official Website: Troy
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Troy Second Closed Beta giveaway with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and and ALT1 Games USA is gifting 2500 ALT1 Coins (a $5 Value) to all beta testers who sign up with a beta key. One key per account.
Troy Online, the next free massive multiplayer game (MMO) of ALT1 Games, has released the schedule and available features for their final beta test, an open beta. ALT1 Games, the American arm of Korean gaming company ALT1, has released two games in 2011 but is focusing primarily on Troy Online.
Troy Online’s open beta test will begin on Aug 12th, 2011, at 11 AM PDT (UTC -7) and last for seven days. This will be the last test before the game finally makes its commercial debut on August 19, 2011. ALT1 Games will be finalizing all systems within the Troy Online game as well as the website and the ALT1 Coin system. Additional features will also be added, such as an area for members of both factions to fight against each other and team up to tackle monsters. There will also be modified battle systems and additional battlefields. Secondary class skills and abilities have been improved as well.
During the final test, Troy will have open general, class, bug, and support forums to promote community discussions. Troy mods will be active throughout the test both in game and on the forums, looking to respond to user comments and suggestions.
ALT 1 Games will end the final opened beta test on Aug 18th at 10 PM PDT and will release a commercial version of the game the next day.
ALT1 Games will also be giving away 500 free ALT1 Coins to users who register with beta event keys for this test. Players can use this opportunity to test out Troy Online’s cash shop. This time, items can be carried into the commercial version of Troy Online, but the redeemed ALT1 Coins will expire.
For a limited period of time, these keys are open to all new members. Just click on either of the links below, enter your email address and a link to download the gift key code will be sent to you by email immediately. Get them while you can, they won’t last long!
Step 1. Follow us in Facebook: .
Step 2: Visit Troy Online and create a free account Here .
Step 3: Check your email. You should have an e-mail from ALT1 Games USA explaining the next steps of the process. Click the link to finish creating your account.
Step 4: Download the game client by clicking the “Game Download” button Here .
Step 5: Enter your username, gender, where you received this key, then your security question & answer.
Step 6: Log into the Troy official website.
Step 7: Go to the Shop page and press the coupon button.
Step 8: Enter your beta key in Beta Event Coupon Key Redemption Box on the coupon page.
Step 9: Log into the game and enjoy your reward!
What’s in this Troy Onine Beta Key award?
-ALT1 Games USA is gifting 500 ALT1 Coins (a $5 Value) to all beta testers who sign up with a beta key.
-You can use ALT1 Coins for buying items in the cash item shop, which is accessible from both inside the game and the Troy Online website.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Troy is a MMORPG set in a world based on Greek myth with recreated mythical characters such as Menelaus, Achillies, and Cassandra. It takes place on the great Autis continent, where the Trojan and Greek warriors have been revived to fight anew. Apollo and Poseidon have resurrected the armies to fight in their name. There are also conflicts between Zeus and Hades, who have their own designs for the war and the mortals involved.