Tiny Mighty Free Items Giveaway

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Tiny Mighty Free Items Giveaway
MMO Game: Tiny Mighty | Area: International | Official Website: Tiny Mighty
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AMZGames publisher for Tiny Mighty in collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it offering this free item giveaway for Tiny Mighty.
Description: It’s Promotion Keys Gift for you
Infrequent Ore X10
Hot Dog X10
Soul Gem (STR) X10
Soul Gem (INT) X10
Soul Gem (DEX) X10
Price aprox: 5$
Expiration Date for Keys: No time Limit
Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Visit Tiny Mighty to register.
Step 4. Click the Code Pack icon on the top right of the screen.
Step 5. Paste your Newbie Pack Code and click Redeem
1. Each account can only collect 1 code.
2. Codes are to be redeemed in game.
3. Each code can only be used once.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Tiny Mighty is a free to play MMORPG for Internet browsers in which players get to assemble groups of heroes that they can equip with gear and train. It features cartoony graphics and simple gameplay mechanics.