The Missing Ink Alpha Keys Giveaway

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The Missing Ink Alpha Keys Giveaway
MMO Game: The Missing Ink | Area: International | Official Website: The Missing Ink
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The Missing Ink Alpha key Giveaway with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and
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About this game:
The Missing Ink is a fantasy-based free to play MMORPG with combined player owned 3D virtual worlds, currently playable on PC, Mac and in the browser with iOS & Android tablet versions to follow in 2012.
Every player owns their own 3D sandbox virtual world that interacts with The Missing Ink game. This 3D space represents a player's own imagination and can be used to build complex structures, mini-games and challenges or just a cool 3D space to hang out and chat.
Players will be able to share their 3D worlds via a simple web link allowing their friends to explore their world in the browser without having to register a game account.
The Missing Ink universe is a place where the great legends and tales have been corrupted by dark hands.
As a player you arrive in the world where upon you're immediately tasked with correcting the first medieval legend.
To achieve this you'll have to do battle with evil forces, go on quests, find special items and knowledgeable locals to help you complete your mission.
The Missing Ink story lines are varied and don't conform to any genre, each tale is played out across an expansive game board. Following the Medieval world will be a Norse legend in the Viking world with nautical tales in the Pirate world and other legends and genres already in production.