The Lost Titans Free Gifts Giveaway early Bird Pack

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The Lost Titans Free Gifts Giveaway early Bird Pack
MMO Game: The Lost Titans | Area: International | Official Website: The Lost Titans
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FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and partnering with ZqGame get you a early Bird Free Pack for The Lost Titans.
Welcome, welcome, welcome, gamers! We gladly present you an “Early Bird Gift Pack”, which includes 100000 Silver, Level 25 Epic Outfit (5 pieces), 300 Level 25 Brilliant Shards, 10000 faction points, 30 Growth Surge Token, 50 Star Fortune.
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Register a The Lost Titans account Here .
Step 3. Click “Play and choose a server.
Step 4. Install and run the plug-in. Wait fot the system to load the game.
Step 5. Crate a character and enter the game.
Step 6. Enjoy the beginning of your The Lost Titans journey in Newbie area and Iron City before you arrive at main city: City of Light.
In Iron City, when you reach level 5, you will have “Town Portal” Skill. Click it and return to City of Light.
Step 7. Find NPC Chloe to redeem your gift pack In City of Light, press “M” for world map, and go to coordinates (X320,Y288)
Go to NPC Chloe
Click on “Gift Pack Exchange” and input your gift code
Step 8. Then you should get the items in your bag
Happy conquering! See you in the game!
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
The Lost Titans is a new fantasy MMORPG developed by ZQ Game that can be played both in your browser or through a small downloadable client. The game is still in an test phase and is not available to the general public, but we had the chance to test it for a while and we want to share with you our game experience.