Tales Runner Special Giveaway - Golden Pig Giveaway

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Tales Runner Special Giveaway - Golden Pig Giveaway
MMO Game: Tales Runner | Area: UM,US,CA,AU,NZ | Official Website: Tales Runner
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Tales Runner Golden Pig Giveaway
gPotato with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it .

Tales Runner is teaming up with GameItems.com to bring you the Golden Pig Giveaway! Beginning March 25th, we will be giving away 1000 packages containing the exclusive Golden Pig, an ultra rare pet that makes you invincible at the beginning of each exhilarating race. Your adorable new companion will also provide additional in-game currency and 20% bonus electric resistance to give you that electrifying edge!
How to Redeem your Coupon Key:
1. Follow us in Facebook: and add a comment there.
2. Create or Login to your gPotato account
3. Go to the key redemption page: Gift Key Redemtion
4. Click on the “Redeem Here” button.
5. Input your exclusive key when prompted and click the Submit button.
6. Log into Tales Runner and go to My Room -> Giftbox to get your gifts.
Giveaway Schedule:
1. Giveaway will begin on March 25th, 2011
2. Giveaway will end on April 15th, 2011
Tales Runner Welcome Package will include:
1. The Golden Pig Pet:
a. Invincible in the beginning
b. Electric Resistance +20%
c. TR +10
d. (In the Chick Channel) TR +40
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Tales Runner is a story-driven MMO racing game that invites players into a world of fantasy and competition! Players are launched into the Land of Fairy Tales where they must race to save beloved mythical creatures from vanishing forever. Tales Runner invites users and friends to immerse themselves in this magical world, with a partner-based leveling system, a socially interactive farming game, a town square for hanging out, and an in-game marriage system! Featuring a wide range of competitive mini-activities and an alchemy profession to craft powerful items, Tales Runner is more than a racing game. It’s a brilliant world of high-speed adventure