Star Trek Online Free Uniform Item Giveaway–Season 7: New Romulus

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Star Trek Online Free Uniform Item Giveaway–Season 7: New Romulus
MMO Game: Star Trek Online | Area: International | Official Website: Star Trek Online
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FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and is partnering with Perfect World Entretainment Inc. to get you the exclusive free giveaway Star Trek Online – Season 7:New Romulus.Free Uniform Star Trek Online Key Giveaway.

Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Visit Star Trek Oline Here
Step 3. Once logged in, click the “My Account” link at the top of the Star Trek Online homepage.
Step 4. Once in your “My Account” portal, click the “Redeem Key” link.
Step 5. Enter the key in the field and click ‘Submit’.
Step 6. If you have not done so already, download the game ,install and log in.
Step 7. You can claim your promotional items through the in-game C-Store, under the ‘Appearance’ tab.
Notes: The codes cannot be redeemed until Star Trek Online – Season 7: New Romulus is live. There is not expiration date for these codes.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Star Trek Online is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game, developped by Cryptic Studios, where players can pioneer their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship or they can become a Klingon Warlord and expand the Empire to the far reaches of the galaxy.