Sho Online Free Gifts Giveaway

Sho Online Free Gifts Giveaway
MMO Game: Sho Online | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Sho Online
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Sho Online Free Gifts Giveaway.
Sho Online with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and .
I. Redemption Instruction
1. Follow us in Facebook: .
2. Register Sho Online HERE
3. Send one on one by clicking HERE
4, One on one title should be “Online OciGrup event free gift givaway”
5. Asking for 33 Lard Golden Bars. For example: “GM, please give me 33 Large Golden Bars.”
6. After checking the IP address, GMs will manualy give out 33 “Large Golden Bars”.
II. Item Discription

33 Large Golden Bar
The item may be sold to merchants at a price of 9,900K mun, the game money in Sho Online. The money, then, may be used to purchase beginning items. Normally it takes weeks and months of grinding to acquire that kind of money. As a special event, we will be giving out 33 Large Golden Bar to whoever registers between June 1, 2011 and August 31, 2011.
III. Extra Giveaways

Aside from the golden bars, 2 beginning packages – one for level 21~25 and the other for 41~45 - will be given to all newly created characters.

Beginning Package Lv 21~25 will consist of two 2 hour 50% exp boost item, one small golden bar worth 50K mun, and two Beginning Slaughter House ticket.

Beginning Package Lv 41~45 will consist of two 2 hour 80% exp boost item, 300 50% power booster, and one 1 hour Strength Booster.
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About this game:
The free-to-play full 3D online role playing title, Sho Online, is based on a famous Chinese novel that was based on history of a great and bitter conflict between the Yin and the Zhou.