Robocraft Free Starter Pack for Steam

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Robocraft Free Starter Pack for Steam
MMO Game: Robocraft | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Robocraft
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Gameitems and Freejam publisher for Robocraft in collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and to give to you this Starter Pack Code Giveaway for Robocradt.
Robocraft Starter Pack
• Mech Trooper Robot
• 3-day Premium Membership
• Instant boost to level 5
Robot Description: The "Mech Trooper" is a front-line, laser cannon covered shock infantry robot capable of both receiving and dealing out punishment!
Key restrictions: None, this key can be redeemed worldwide within Robocraft.
End date: When all keys are redeemed
Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Go Robocraft on Steam and click the “Play Game” button to install the game .
Step 4. Start the game and click the log-in via Steam, and press the Escape Key to bring un the pause screen.
Step 5. Click on Enter Code and the code before press confirm to get your free Starter Pack!!
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Robocraft is a free to play action shooter where players get to build their own robot and fight in team-based battles. It features different game modes, several maps and ranked gameplay.