Ragnarok Online Item Giveaway- Welcome to Midgard Item Pack Giveaway

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Ragnarok Online Item Giveaway- Welcome to Midgard Item Pack Giveaway
MMO Game: Ragnarok Online | Area: International | Official Website: Ragnarok Online
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Ragnarok Online Item Giveaway
Celebrate the latest “No more monthly subscription” update to Ragnaork Online with the "Welcome to Midgard Item Pack Giveaway!"
Ragnarok Online with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it have joinded up to give away special item free.
Grab a code and redeem it for a “Welcome to Midgard Pack”.
Codes are limited so get them while you can!
*One character can redeem one code only.

“Welcome to Midgard Pack”
A welcoming Package for new visitors to Rune Midgard.
The pack contains 2 Battle Manuals to speed up your leveling.
15 Bless and Agi Scrolls to make you move faster and increase your power!
Also a few Yellow Butterfly wings to allow you to teleport to the important towns on the Midgard Continent to get your job change easily!
Redemption instructions:
Step 1. Follow us in Facebook: .
Step 2: Go to and create a account Ragnarok Online .
Step 3: Enter the item code redemption process can be found Here .
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Ragnarok Online, is a fast-paced, 3rd person, fantasy MMORPG where friends can make parties and groups can make guilds. The powerful can battle for top spots in weekly Guild vs. Guild battle to gain supremely powerful items of the Gods.
There are hundreds of options to optimize your equipment and appearance, along with fully customizable stats and skills to make your adventurer truly unique! With dozens of classes, you can find the one that fits your play style. Join in and play together in parties to fight powerful MVP bosses for unique gear or hunt monsters for cards to get unique and customizable effects for your equipment.
You can sell your newly acquired items or your player-created ones, like potions and weapons, to your fellow adventurers in the player-driven economy. Take your pets out for a walk through the hundreds of areas from lush forests to creepy ruins or even through the bottom of the ocean. Take on quests to hunt the deadliest of creatures, to learn about the lore and history of Midgard, or find a way to journey to new locations that become available with Ragnarok’s regular update schedule.