Premium currency and 14 days trial keys

0 Keys Are Left
Premium currency and 14 days trial keys
MMO Game: Craft of Dods | Area: International | Official Website: Craft of Dods
More Giveaways
In order to activate the key please follow these steps:
- Go to Craft Of Gods and click on “Register” in the right menu
- Insert your data and wait for the registration mail
- Click on “Activate” into the registration mail body
- Set your game and forum passwords and then click “Send”
- Now you have two different options
1-You want to play on the Free to Play server and you want to get 3 Kun
o Before continuing the registration process, open a new page into your browser, go to Craft Of Gods and click on “Download” into the right menu
o Download and install the client
o Log into the game and create a character into “Akvilon (free to play) – Beta” server
o When you are done, close the game client
o Return to your registration process page
o Select “Free to play” into the server type and click on “Continue”
o Insert your key and then your username and password and click on “Continue”
o Select the character on which you want to activate the 3 Kun bonus and click on “Activate”
o If the activation is successful you will receive a confirmation email
Please note that for the first 7 days after your registration you can also enter and play on the Pay to Play server with a different character.
2-You want to play on the Pay to Play server and you want to get 14-day free trial
o Select “Pay to play” into the server type and click on “Continue”
o Insert you key and then your username and click on “Activate”
o If the activation is successful you will receive a confirmation email
o Go to Craft Of Gods and click on “Download” into the right menu
o Download and install the client
o Now you can log into the game and play on “Akvilon (subscription based)” server for 14 days.
Please note that you can also enter and play on the Free to Play server with a different character character even when your Pay to Play trial has expired.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Craft of Gods has just opened a new server, completely Free to Play! The server will run parallel to the already existing Pay to Play server and players will be free to choose which server they want to play on.
The keys provided in this giveaway give can be redeemed on both the Free to Play server and on the Pay to Play server. If redeemed in the Free to Play server, they give 3 free Kun (Kun is the name of the premium currency used in the server); if redeemed in the Pay to Play server, they give a 14-day trial instead of a 7-day trial.
Get your key now and try the new content in Craft of Gods: more than 300 new quests and 700 items have been introduced recently! Play now!