Odin Quest Free Start Pack Givewaway

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Odin Quest Free Start Pack Givewaway
MMO Game: Odin Quest | Area: International | Official Website: Odin Quest
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Snail Games - Playsnail, publisher of Odin Quest with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it Snail Games would like to offer a starter pack for their new addition to Playsnail, Odin Quest.
Odin Quest Newbie Card Details (80$ worth in all)
Lv3 EHC Stone x 1
Daily VIP Card x 1
Escort Scroll x 2
Inventory Enlarger (1 slot) x 1
Ghost Knight (1Day) x 1
Secret Pattern x 3
Alliance Coin x 1
When will the items be delivered? Automatically or Manually?
You can visit Newbie Card NPC Kuroro [58, 106] in Medagate and talk to her. Click Newbie Card and input the Marketing Gift Card Code to Receive Gift. Then those gift items above will be delivered instantly via in-game mail.
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Add your email in the field below the image of the promo and check your email account and follow the instructions.
Step 3. Register at Odin Quest and log in game, then create a role on Server #1 Medusa. .
Step 4. Visit Newbie Card NPC Kuroro [58, 106] in Medagate and talk to her, click 'Marketing Gift II' to redeem the Marketing Gift Card.
Step 5. Check whether the gift mail has been sent.
Step 6. If the Card doesn't work or you don't get the gift after redeeming the Newbie Card successfully, please contact any in-game GM for help.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Odin Quest is a free to play browser-based MMORPG game based on Norse Mythology which features outstanding visual graphics. It features many distinctive classes and a very interesting PvP system.