Myth Angels Online: NEWBIE GIFTBOX Key Giveaway

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Myth Angels Online: NEWBIE GIFTBOX Key Giveaway
MMO Game: Myth Angels Online - MAO | Area: International | Official Website: Myth Angels Online - MAO
More Giveaways
Get your Myth Angels Online NEWBIE GIFTBOX, take the Key code from FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and .
Event Overview
Welcome to Join us in Myth Angels Online!
To thanks you for joining us, and to celebrate our new expansion—Yearning for Spring to Come, alone with new server—CERBERUS, coming soon on December 14th, USERJOY is teaming up with OciGrup to give away NEWBIE GIFTBOX—Fast Grow Up Gift Pack for you to have an easy start in MAO.
After you obtain the key, a special giftbox—Fast Grow Up Gift Pack which contains each regular Red and Blue potion x 200 & double EXP and double Job EXP (30 mins) card x 5, will be given to you after you redeem the key.
Gift Key Event Duration: Start from 2010/12/14 till keys run out (First-Come-First-Serve basis). Please keep your Gift Key. It will not be reissued if you lose yours.
Event Content: Obtain your Gift Key to claim the Fast Grow Up Gift Pack
1. The gift key only applies to New Registration Account only.
2. There is limited quantity (one key per user member only). So, seize the moment before keys run out!
3. In case of any obstruction to the event, USERJOY retains the right to amend, pause or terminate the event without any further notice.
1. Sign Up For PlayUJ member first.
2. Select “Redeem” Redeem to redeem your gift key
3. You’ll receive the Fast Grow Up Gift Pack in your Backpack in Myth Angels Online by finding NPC “Redeem Staff. Please make sure that you have a least one empty item slot upon claiming the gift.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Myth Angels Online (MAO) is the newest title of the Angels Online series. As free to play mmo title, has kept the original 2D cute style anime flavor of Angels Online, and presents whole new game features, such as instance dungeon mode and pet troop.