Ministry of War Fiearm Era Free Item Giveaway

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Ministry of War Fiearm Era Free Item Giveaway
MMO Game: Ministry of War - MOW | Area: Worldwide less Europe | Official Website: Ministry of War - MOW
More Giveaways
SnailGames / Playsnail , publisher of Ministry of War (MoW) with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and offer this Ministry of War Server 42 Promotional Giveaway.
Package Contents:
Level 50 Purple Gear Box x3
Purple Hero Card x1
Pet Card: Wolf (Bound) x1
The 8 Hour Shock Troops (Bound) x1
The Bronze Mine (Bound) x5
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Step 2. Add your email in the field below the image of the promo and check your email account and follow the instructions.
Step 3. Register or log into the game Ministry of War (MoW) here.
Step 4. Log into the latest server #42: Epic Heroes to create your character.
Step 5. Open this link Ministry of War (MoW) and login on the top of this page
Step 6. Input the gift code, choose the correct server and click OBTAIN button
Step 7. Login game to check to receive your gift
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Ministry of War (MoW) is the world's most sophisticated browser game developed by Snail Games, with unparalleled graphics and gameplay. MoW is a true MMO RTS, where you will battle alongside thousands of other players in PvP and PvE warfare. MoW also includes a special Guild vs. Guild (GvG) battle system, where you can vanquish your rivals and become a Guild superpower.
Introduction of Fiearm Era
Firearm Era is the brand new expansion for Snail’s browser game: Ministry of War. Players may choose between China, Rome, Egypt, and Persia to expand their territories with military, cultural, and economic approaches to conquering the world!
Based on the Savage, Dark, Feudal, Castle, and Ages in previous versions, a sixth age is added to the game, the Firearm Era. In this age, players are able to experience fiercer warfare with new units, such as Musketeers and Artillery. Compared with the previous ages, each country you choose may utilize these new firearm units, swiftly changing the tides of battle. There will not only be conflicts between older units and firearm units, but also between firearm units. This sixth age signals the changes of the Middle Ages, delving deep into the architecture of various cultural styles. The looks of firearm units have characteristics of this new age, as they will rule the battlefield and take a dominant position over older arms. Prepare yourselves for the Age of Firearms!