Luvinia World Free Item Gifts

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Luvinia World Free Item Gifts
MMO Game: Luvinia World | Area: International | Official Website: Luvinia World
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Soa Games inc, publisher of Luvinia (Luvinia World) partners with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and to offer this free item Gifts for the level 40,60,80 and 86.
Treasure Box Rewards
Lvl 1 item- Luvie Package and includes a 3 day Travel or Rio mount and a choice of 1 of 4 outfits.
Lvl 40
1 Legendary weapon of your choice
3 Grade E Enhancing Gems (Used to enhance from level 1-3)
3 Grade D Enhancing Gems (used to enhance from level 4-6)
5 Secondary Elixirs (Increases Power Hit rate)
5 Secondary Critical Elixirs (Increases Critical Hit Rate)
1 Ten Slot Bag
Lvl 60
1 Legendary Weapon of your choice
1 Vitality Essence (3000 Vitality) Adds to vitality (Used to run dungeons)
3 Grade C Enhancing Gems (Used to enhance weapon from 7-10)
9 Colorful Blessing Stones (Improves enhancement success)
6 Intermediate Elixir (Increases Power Hit rate)
6 Intermediate Critical Elixir (Increases Critical Hit Rate)
1 Ten Slot bag.
LVL 80
10 Holy Insights (Chance to drop items and enchantment material)
5 Grade B Enhancing Gems (Used to enhance over +10)
6 Colorful Blessing Stones (Improves enhancement success)
4 Advanced Elixir (Increases Power Hit)
4 Advanced Critical Elixir (Increases Critical Hit)
1 Ten Slot Bag
Lvl 86
5 Apprentice Magic Books (lvl 86) Use for 20% exp collection
1 Expert Magic Book (lvl 90) Use for 20% exp collection
10 Energizing Stone of Heritage (Increase attack by 100%)
9999 Void Embers (used to run elemental state skill)
2 Card Boxes (Obtain 2 random Star cards requires magic breath to open)
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook and Twiter:
Step 2. Add your email in the field below the image of the promo and check your email account and follow the instructions.
Step 3. Go to Luvinia World register and enter the code when you arrive to each level you will received automatically the Free Item Pack for each level.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Luvinia World (formerly known as Luvinia Online) is a very successful in China free to play fantasy-themed MMORPG which features a classic combat system and a cartoonish style.