Lost Saga Europe Free Item Giveaway

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Lost Saga Europe Free Item Giveaway
MMO Game: Lost Saga | Area: Europe | Official Website: Lost Saga
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Nexon Europe, publisher of Lost Saga for Europe FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it offer the Closed Beta Items for Europe Key Giveaway should start on Friday 7th February.
Players who participate in the CBT (Closed Beta Test) with one of these keys has a good chance to get a random character item in OBT (Open Beta Test). By playing and clearing some quests, you will automatically get a random character item in OBT (while players who start in OBT and have not played CBT before can’t get it right away).
1. The random character item is most likely going to be a character scroll which gives you a random character for a limited amount of time.
2. When people get a beta key from the Nexon website they don’t get this item automatically so the giveaway on GameItems.com is rewarding for the players.
3. As you are distributing 2000 beta keys there will be in-game money added to the codes.
From 500 keys upwards: 5.000 Pesos
From 1,000 keys upwards: 10.000 Pesos
From 1,500 keys upwards: 15.000 Pesos
Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
Step 2. Add your email to the field above (above the “Get Your Key” button), you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field adove.
Step 3. Register Lost Saga Europe and enter the Beta Code.
Step: Share with your Friends:
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