Krosmaga Free Booster for Necros & Paladirs update

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Krosmaga Free Booster for Necros & Paladirs update
MMO Game: Krosmaga | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Krosmaga
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Gameitems and Ankama publisher for Krosmaga, collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and offer you Free item for Booster of the new expansion start today 28/06/2017, Necros & Paladirs Update.
Booster for the new expansion “Necros & Paladirs”
We will add the codes at 2PM CEST
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Step 3. Create an new account with this link Krosmaga , or login to your account .
Step 4. Redeem the code for Krosmaga here .
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About this game:
Krosmaga is a colourful free to play card collecting game where players must collect and build up their deck of special creature cards and head into battle as a God, challenging other players in strategic combat. Draw cards from your hand and place combat pieces on a chess-like board and use your cunning and tactics to make your way across the battlefield to destroy your opponents’ Dofus eggs!
Category: Free to play Card Game
Platform Compatibility: PC and Mobile
Developer Studio: Ankama