King of Kings 3 Exclusive Giveaway

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King of Kings 3 Exclusive Giveaway
MMO Game: King of Kings 3 | Area: International | Official Website: King of Kings 3
More Giveaways
King Of Kings Exclusive Giveaway for Gamigo with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and .
Giveaway Details
Follow these steps and you'll get your reward!
Amount / Item / Desciption
1 Panda Seven Day EasyCard / Right-click to summon a panda mount. It is an extremely fast mount and increases your loot rate by 20%. Duration: 7 days.
1 Wrought Steel Lv. 2 / Use to craft good advanced equipment.
1 Heavy Leather Lv. 2 / Use to craft good advanced equipment.
1 Silk Thread Lv. 2 / Use to craft good advanced equipment.
1 Teak Lv. 2 / Use to craft good advanced equipment.
1 Gem Lv. 2 / Use to craft good advanced equipment.
1 Divine Bead (Small) / XP booster that increases the experience gained by monster-killing by 1.75 times. Effective for 2 hours.
5 Classic Pandora's Box / Right-click this lucky box to receive one random mystery prize.
Step 1. Follow us in Facebook: .
Step 2. Log into your King of Kings 3 account. If you haven΄t got one yet, register for free Here.
Step 3: Go to the NPC "Award Giver" at the coordinates (83,182) in Skarabare.
Step 4: Talk to him and select "Enter the passcode to get a virt ".
Step 5: Enter your 20-digit code and click on "Confirm".
Step 6: Now you'll receive a message that you've redeemed the package and can receive your reward from the "Express Postman" in Skarabare (56,200). Just click on the little blinking symbol on the right under the mini map. Then you'll automatically run there.
Have fun!
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
King of Kings 3 The ultimate PvP and clanwar MMORPG
King of Kings 3 is the ultimate online role-playing game for fans of PvP combat and clan warfare!
After countless years of war, the world of Tangramia was left in utter chaos and almost entirely destroyed. Its up to you to build up a new civilisation, form new alliances, and claim lordship over enemy kingdoms.
Completely free-to-play MMORPG
High-quality 3D graphics
Custom character development with more than 100 skills
3 Basic classes and 9 advanced classes
Level up from a collective of guilds to legions and entire kingdoms
PvE, PvP and RvR gameplay in a breath-taking fantasy world
Innovative housing and city-building system
Conquerable cities
Unique system for crafting and trading
Mounts and pets can level up
Countless community activities and minigames
The opportunity to found your own kingdom and become the King of Kings
Free download, no subscription fee!