Kalicanthus Entertainment is giving away some exclusive keys

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Kalicanthus Entertainment is giving away some exclusive keys
MMO Game: Craft of Gods | Area: International | Official Website: Craft of Gods
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Kalicanthus Entertainment is giving away some exclusive keys that will allow players to automatically level up to level 30 one of the chars of their Craft of Gods account in order to try the more advanced features of the game during the Preview Event that will take place from May 20th at 2:30pm CET until May 25th at 2:30pm CET!
If you do not have a Craft of Gods account yet follow these instructions to use the key:
• Sign up here Craft of Gods
• Go to the ACCOUNT page http://www.kalicanthus.com/gest_account.php
• Activate Craft of Gods (you need to request a key first and then activate it)
• Once the account is active, log into your account
• Create a char and log out
• Make sure you’re not logged in the game
• Go to http://ssd.kalicanthus.eu/craftofgods/key.php
• Insert the level-up key
• Type your username and password and press the button ‘TXT_FIND_CHARS’
• A list of the characters available on the account will be shown, choose the one you want to get to level 30
• Click on the button ‘ACTIVATE’
• Launch the game, log in and choose the char you’ve leveled up
• Have fun!
If you have already got a Craft of Gods account, once you get the level-up key all you need to do in order to use it is:
• Create a char on the account (if you haven’t done it already) and log out
• Make sure you’re not logged in the game
• Go to http://ssd.kalicanthus.eu/craftofgods/key.php
• Insert the level-up key
• Type your username and password and press the button ‘TXT_FIND_CHARS’
• A list of the characters available on the account will be shown, choose the one you want to get to level 30
• Click on the button ‘ACTIVATE’
• Launch the game, log in and choose the char you’ve leveled up
• Have fun!
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About this game:
Craft of Gods (Craft of Gods ) is a new 3D fantasy MMORPG based on Slavic mythology. Craft of Gods provide a unique experience for both PvE lovers and PvP oriented gamers and features an addicting end game based on a great RvR system: prove to be the strongest guild and you can gain unique gods’ abilities by becoming a Demigod!
Players can choose between 6 different races divided into 3 factions (Light, Darkness and Neutral, this last one will be introduced with an expansion in the near future) and create their character that can then be completely customized; in facts there are no classes in Craft of Gods, only skills: each player can choose from 14 schools of skills, each containing 15 powers – for a total of 210 different skills that assure a great depth of customization.
Craft of Gods is new game with an ‘old-school’ heart that will please both long time and newest players.