Heroes in the Sky coupon giveaway events for GamesCampus

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Heroes in the Sky coupon giveaway events for GamesCampus
MMO Game: Heroes in the Sky | Area: Worldwide less DE, CH, AT | Official Website: Heroes in the Sky
More Giveaways
Heroes in the Sky 500 coupon giveaway events for GamesCampus with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it Heroes in the Sky Welcome Package Coupon, this giveaway works for worldwide less AT,CH,DE countries.
Description of items:
Magazine 7D - Larger Maximum Secondary Weapon Ammo for 7 days.
Durability Protect 7D - Protect your gear from breaking down for 7 days.
Improved Reload I 7D - Speed up your crafts weapon reloading for 7 days.
Coolant 7D - Reduce the rate of engine overheating for 7 days.
Reduced Skill Time 7D - Quicker Skill cool downs for 7 days.
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Step 2. Create an account and log in at Heroes in the Sky.
Step 3. Click My Account in the top right.
Step 4.-Select Cupon on the right navigation bar
Step 5.- Input Coupon Key, we give to you.
Make sure you have downloaded, installed the game for which the coupon is for.
DONE! Enjoy!
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About this game:
Heroes in the Sky is an intense airborne MMOTPS that combines high impact PVE and fast paced PVP as it chronicles the events from the beginning to the end of World War II. PVP combat is taken to a new level as players must not only worry about the basic dangers from the front, behind, and sides, but also from above and below. Heroes in the Sky is dog fighting at its finest; cannon fires, machine gun blasts, missiles, and bombs flood the skies as up to 16 players shoot it out for air superiority! Featuring some of the most famous WWII aircraft in history, players will soar across the sky as they bomb cities, sink boats, burst blimps and more-- all this and more unfolds as players compete to become the top Ace in Heroes in the Sky. Players will choose from a variety of intense and realistic planes including both experimental and field tested all while reliving history and participating in intense aerial combat.