Hazard Ops Free Item Raffle

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Hazard Ops Free Item Raffle
MMO Game: Hazard Ops | Area: Europe | Official Website: Hazard Ops
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Infernum Productions AG, publisher of Hazard Ops for Europe in collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it offering this raffle of 15 packs (value over 500€). We have 5 Goon Packs, 5 Special Weapons packs and 5 Starter packs. There are 1000 codes: 15 winning codes and 985 "you didn't win" codes.
Goon Pack value 66,99€ - If you win the code start with "g00n"

The Goon pack, valued over 66,99€, contains: 1x RPD (permanent), 1x M29 (permanent), 1x M24SWS (permanent), 1x M1 100 (permanent), 1x Anti-Tank Grenade (7days), 1x Two-Fisted gent chest male (permanent), 1x Heartbreaker female chest (permanent), 10x Grenade Turret (permanent), 20x Revive Token (permanent), 1x VIP Access (30 days, 30 days duration), 5x XP Boosts (1day duration), 10x Golden Bullet (Permanent).
Special Weapon value 34,99€ - If you win the code start with "SPEC"

The Special Weapons pack, valued over 34,99€, contains: 1x K2 rifle (permanent), 1x AWP (3days), 1x Scorching M4A1 (3days), 1x Scorching M82 (3days), 1x MPK (3days), 1x Freedom Fighter chest male (permanent), 1x Freedom Fighter chest female (permanent), 5x Cyclone Turret (permanent), 5x Shield Turret (permanent), 5x Grenade Turret (permanent), 5x Ammo Turret (permanent).
Starter Pack value 19,99€ - If you win the code start with "START"

The Starter pack, valued over 14,95€, includes: 1x FN Five-Seven (3days), 1x UZI (3days), 1x M1 100 (3days), 1x AWP (3days), 1x Rebel Commando chest male (3days), 1x Rebel Commando chest female (3days), 5x Cyclone Turret (permanent), 10x Revive Token (Permanent), 5x XP Boosts (Permanent, 1-day duration), 10x Gold Bullet (permanent).
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Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Sing up Hazard Ops and download the game.
Step 4. Login to the game and click on redeem code if you one of the winners.
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About this game:
Hazard Ops (pubilshed as Zombies Monsters Robots in North America) is a free to play third person shooter in which players have to fight hordes of monsters, mutants and robots across several co-op campaign pve scenarios or fight against other players in 16-players pvp maps.