Hallowed Wings Keys Giveaway Tales Runner

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Hallowed Wings Keys Giveaway Tales Runner
MMO Game: Tales Runner | Area: North America | Official Website: Tales Runner
More Giveaways
1. Go to the Tales Runner Website and Create an account Here
2. Download the Tales Runner Client. Tales Runner
3. Create your character in game. (Key won't be redeemed unless you have an in-game character)
4. Click <Gift Key Redemption> button on the left side of the website to redeem your key Here
5. Log into Tales Runner and go to My Room -> Giftbox to get your gifts.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Tales Runner is an athletic racing game – players are operating characters using various equipments running, jumping, swimming, or skiing in various racing maps in several racing modes (single, team, survival, relay). Racing maps are themed around various stories, either taken from famous tales , or created by game developers as a background story for the game development.