Grab a baguette: The French event is here!

Grab a baguette: The French event is here!
MMO Game: Farmerama | Area: International | Official Website: Farmerama
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Tour de France: It’s French week in FARMERAMA
Howdy Farmer!
Farmerama and FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and
Join in FARMERAMA from now to October 16, 2011.
The scents of France are in the air: Just like the Brazil event, there will be two new types of plants for you to enjoy – the beautiful lily and fragrant lavender!
Capture the sweet scents of France for yourself: Perfume flacons will pop up while you harvest. The more flacons you collect, the larger your street café will be. But remember: The new perfume flacons are not the same as the pheromone bottles!
The prizes for this event are très magnifiques and include French items for your farm as well as scrumptious recipes, such as a baguette recipe for your bakery or a sumptuous lavender marmalade for your confectionery!
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Enjoy it !!!
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About this game:
Farmerama is a Free to Play browser-based game MMO, free to play, mmorpg where you live as a humble farmer. Make the best of life and carefully tend your greatest asset: your land. There's a farmhouse, barn, mill, water tower and manure pile on this field for you to use.
The Brazil event turned out to be so much fun that we decided to dedicate the next country event to our friends in France: Our Tour de France will take us through the land of hâute couture, cafés, the finest perfumes, delicious butter croissants and iconic sights.
The scents of France are in the air: Just like the Brazil event, there will be two new types of plants for you to enjoy – the beautiful lily and fragrant lavender!
Capture the sweet scents of France for yourself: Perfume flacons will pop up while you harvest. The more flacons you collect, the larger your street café will be. But remember: The new perfume flacons are not the same as the pheromone bottles!
The prizes for this event are très magnifiques and include French items for your farm as well as scrumptious recipes, such as a baguette recipe for your bakery or a sumptuous lavender marmalade for your confectionery!
Voilà! Savor the flavors and enjoy the French event! Vivre la FARMERAMA!