Empire Revenant Free Items Open Beta

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Empire Revenant Free Items Open Beta
MMO Game: Empire: Revenant | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Empire: Revenant
More Giveaways
Gameitems and AMZGame publisher for Empire Revenant, collaboration with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it you these Free Items for the Open Beta that will start next 4th June 2016 at 10AM EST time.
Redeem your key to get the following items in Empire:Revenant
Rare Chest x 5
Rare Key x 5
Clay Jar x 10
Silver x 188888
Lamp x 2
Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Create and account Empire:Revenant and click on the upper of the screen.

Step 4. Add the code in the blank and click “Claim”, The Pack Gift will be delivered to your bag right away.
1. Each account can only claim 1 pack.
2. Each code can only be used once.
3. Duration: June 4th, 2016 - June 3rd, 2017
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Empire: Revenant is a free to play strategy MMO for Internet browsers that features turn-based gameplay and historical figures. Players get to command their own armies and fight against other empires.