Dragon's Prophet Europe Free items Giveaway

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Dragon's Prophet Europe Free items Giveaway
MMO Game: Dragon's Prophet | Area: Europe | Official Website: Dragon's Prophet
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Infernum Productions AG, publisher of Dragon’s Prophet Europe with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it offer this exclusive giveaway for Dragon’s Prophet Europe.
Here’s some info about the items:
- 1x Phantom Doll (“An item required for resurrecting a spirit. When you die, if you choose to resurrect at your current location, this item can be used in place of Diamond consumption.”)
o Pretty self-explanatory
- 1x Dragon Training Whip (“Restricted item required for Field Training. This item can be used in place of the Diamonds required to increase the Training Number.”)
o Allows you to train your dragon more often per day
- 1x Transportation Rune (“Delivers your prayer to Atricus, the God of Travelers, and teleports the user of this item to a specific location.”)
o You simply select the teleport destination from the Teleport Book menu and the item teleports you there
- 1x Transportation Portal Rune (“Delivers your prayer to Atricus, the God of Travelers, and opens up a transport portal to a specific location for the user of this item.”)
o Same thing, only with a portal that more players can use
- 1x Condensed Costume Transformation (“After use, normal equipment will transform into a costume and randomly gain 0%-5% Costume Transformation.”)
o Along your normal gear, you can equip costume items to make your character look the way to want. You like that awesome-looking bow, but you’ve got a new one with better stats? No problem, just turn this one into a costume using this item and wear it as long as you want while still benefiting from the new gear’s stats
- 1x Master Repair Hammer (“Repairs all equipped items without reducing their durability.”
o Again, pretty self-explanatory
- 100x Diamonds
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Add your email in the field below the image of the promo and check your email account and follow the instructions.
Step 3. Create and account on the European Dragon’s Prohpet here and after follow the instructions to redeem the codes.
We have been told that apparently some users received the items but not the diamonds. If this is your case, contact Infernum through this email support@infernum.com
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Dragon's Prophet is a free to play MMO game set in a fantasy world in which dragons are well known creatures. Players can capture, train and ride dragons in a quite large world and a wide variety of monsters and creatures.
Dragon’s Prophet is an online role-playing game which features all virtues of a classic MMORPG and “evolutionizes” them. Players will experience immense dragon features and an epic story in a modern fantasy world, including next-gen elements such as action-based combat, deep character development and the extensive cross-server Frontier PvP system. Dragon’s Prophet is being developed by Runewaker Entertainment, known for their successful blockbuster MMO Runes of Magic. Infernum will publish Dragon’s Prophet in Europe on September 18th 2013 in collaboration with co-publisher Deep Silver.