Cocolani Island Closed Beta Giveaway

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Cocolani Island Closed Beta Giveaway
MMO Game: Cocolani Island | Area: Internacional | Official Website: Cocolani Island
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Closed Beta Giveaway Cocolani Island from GameSamba and FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and .
1. Go to Cocolani Island
2. Enter your email address at the bottom of the page
3. A new window will open asking you to choose your user name and password
4. Enter your closed beta key in the field at the bottom of this window
5. Agree to the terms of use, click submit
6. Congratulations! Follow the link on the next page to begin playing. You will receive an email with your user name and password should you forget it.
Start Date for Cocolani Promotion is January 26, 2011 and End Date is February 28, 2011.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Cocolani Island is a fun-filled, safari-inspired tribal MMORPG that runs in your browser. It has excellent animations, innovative tribal battles and PvP, challenging mini-games, and a ton of beautiful graphics and vistas to explore and enjoy.
Play with your friends, decorate your hut, be named Tribal leader, explore the islands of Cocolani, or build your skills as an elite warrior.