Celebrate 4Story's Release of Coliseum Update

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Celebrate 4Story's Release of Coliseum Update
MMO Game: 4 Story | Area: Worldwide less Europe | Official Website: 4 Story
More Giveaways
To celebrate 4Story's release of Coliseum Update, 4Story Global Service team is giving away free gift codes here. ( FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it )
Each code can be redeemed for brand new newbie package and additional 5 transgender potions which enables you to camouflage your character switching your sex.
There is nothing more important in MMORPG world than reaching higher level faster and hiding your real force against the others.
In this way, you will slay all enemies in severe coliseum battles.
Guideline (Giveaway Period : 6/1~6/30) :
1.Redeem event key.
2.Verify key and Register and Login 4story.
3.In the game, “ESC” key then click 'Storage’ to retrieve your newbie package and gender changers (For All).
4.Now simply enjoy 4Story.
- 100$ Cash point is awarded to 2 players who achieves 25 lv. within 14 days. (Random selection)
- The winner announcement will be made at 2010/7/5 (PST) (Note : Participants who can be considered as cash point winner should be a guild member of any kind of guilds or a guild master.)
4Story Overview :
4Story(4story) is a fantasy MMORPG similar in style to World of Warcraft that focuses heavily on mythology and warfare.
- Great Upgrading & Enchanting system
- Wow style cartoony graphics
- Each class has 3 different skill trees
- Dueling and factional PvP system
- Constant Warfare
- Always quests to do
- 6 different classes
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About this game:
4story is a 3D fantasy free to play mmorpg with cartoon graphics style. Three Kingdoms fighting to make history in the fascinating realm versus realm combat. Choose your hero and drive him or her to massive wars and endless quests to satisfy your objetives.