C9 -Continent of the Ninth Seal Morris' Accessory Giftbox Free Giveaway

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C9 -Continent of the Ninth Seal Morris' Accessory Giftbox Free Giveaway
MMO Game: C9 - Continent of the Ninth Seal | Area: International | Official Website: C9 - Continent of the Ninth Seal
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FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it partnering with WebZen get you the Morris' Accessory Giftbox free giveaway for C9 - Continent of the Ninth Seal.
Want to enjoy C9 but don’t have good items or support? Don’t worry we’ve got the just thing for you.
With 1 Item Code you can get free accessory item that gives you extra status!
As an Item Code holder, you’ll have the chance to get free accessory gift box, which contains rare or magic accessory item!
Promotion Period
December 20, 2012 ~ January 31, 2013 (GST)
C9 Item Give Away Item Code Benefits
1) Item Code activated account will receive Morris' Accessory Giftbox.
2) The Morris' Accessory Giftbox is a random box that contains magic/rare accessory.
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Register to the game Here and login in to the website, redeem, your Item Code on Item Code Redemption page and enter your beta key number, then click “Redeem”.
** If you are new on Webzen.com, please create new account.
Step 3. Wait until your input key digit numbers is verified, and click “Confirm”
Step 4. After you have activated the Item Code, login in to your character and check Cash shop Gift chest for the item.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
In the land of Blenheim, an evil force has descended upon the world with destruction as its only goal. Together with your closest allies, you will explore Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9), a fantasy action multiplayer online role-playing game (MORPG), to rid the world of this foreign evil.
With precise controls, a variety of skill combos and eye-catching graphics, C9 immerses players in a striking environment as they string together attacks and battle foes. Players choose from one of three character classes to begin their quest – fighter, hunter or shaman. As they navigate through Blenheim their characters will advance to elite status and can take on one of three new jobs: Fighters can become warriors, guardians or blade masters; hunters can convert to assassins, rangers or scouts; and shamans can transform into elementalists, Taoists or illusionists.