Bright Shadow Beta Key Giveaway

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Bright Shadow Beta Key Giveaway
MMO Game: Bright Shadow | Area: International | Official Website: Bright Shadow
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Gamania will starts Brigth Shadow CB giveaway with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and .
Gamania Digital Entertainment Europe will start its Bright Shadow beta this Friday. The ‘Gimme 10’ beta test will be made available through Gamania’s beanfun! Platform. Early adventurers and card collecting enthusiasts from all over the world can login at the following times:
8 July 2011
- Europe: (09:00 CET / 08:00 GMT)
- NA: (00:00 PST)
It’s important to note is that there will be no data-wipe during this closed beta to give Bright Shadow fans the chance to get a head start in collecting monster cards. The beta will end on Monday 18th of July.
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Once you have completed registration Bright Shadow account
To create your Bright Shadow game account simply follow these easy steps:
The BETA will commence next 8th July 2011 at 09:00 CET – 00:00 PST end the 18th July.
1. Go to the Bright Shadow site at Bright Shadow and click on the Games link in the top banner.
2. Mouse over the Bright Shadow icon and click the “Download” link that appears.
3. Download the client and run the installation program. Follow the prompts to install the Bright Shadow launcher and the Bright Shadow client.
4. When the Bright Shadow installation completes, the beanfun! launcher should open automatically. If it doesn’t, you can run it folder in your start menu.
5. Bright Shadow will ask you to log in with an existing account, or register a new account. If you already have an account, simply enter your email and password and click Login. If you do not have an account yet, you can register a new Bright Shadow account by clicking on the “Register Now!” link and following the prompts through the simple registration process to create a new account.
6. Once you have registered your account and confirmed your email address, log in to Bright Shadow with your new account and then select the Bright Shadow icon that you will see. On the pop up window that appears, click on “Enter your beta key to add a game account” and enter your Bright Shadow beta key code in the box that opens.
7. You should see the panel below once you have entered your code. Click on the Bright Shadow link to view your new account.
8. Mouse over the account and you will see a green pencil icon appear to the right of the pre-generated random account name. You may click on this icon to rename your account, or simply click on the pre-generated account name to launch the game immediately.
9. Once you have launched the game once, you can quickly run the game again from the “Quick Start” button within the beanfun! Lite launcher (see below image), or from the same button on Bright Shadow
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
For many centuries, the magical world of Luciena has been under threath by mysterious dark forces. These evil beings from the Umbra Realm are using ‘Soul Power’ to transform themselves into hideous monsters that seek ultimate domination. The Umbra’s power is fed by destruction, deceit, corruption and death.
The once pieceful community of Luciena have been rediscovering the magical properties of Soul Power to defend themselves against the Umbra and their powerful God-like PenUmbra masters. The Lucians united and diversified, developing tactics, technology and magic to stop the notrocities they have had to endure for so long.
The Lucians have had numerous successes against the forces of evil, but soon the Umbra retaliated with merciless force and it was clear that the war had just begun.
• More than 500 monster cards to collect
• Summon the ghosts of defeated monsters enlocked within the trading cards to battle foes
• Use special skills to transform into powerful creatures
• Unique cell-shaded visual design
• Intuitive combat system
• Extensive character customisation
• 20 classes to unlock
• Rich story
More than 60 randomely generated dungeons in the special ‘Seal Tower’ quests