Brawl Busters Closed Beta Phase 2 Key Giveaway

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Brawl Busters Closed Beta Phase 2 Key Giveaway
MMO Game: Braw Busters | Area: International | Official Website: Braw Busters
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Get your Closed Beta Phase 2 key giveaway Brawl Busters with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and CB of Brawl Busters give away.
Beta Key Redeem Instructions
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1. Go to Brawl Busters and click “Enter your Beta Key here”;
2a. Already have a Brawl Busters or a MicroVolts account? Simply enter your Login ID and password. You will be asked to enter your beta key shortly after you login- enter your key then;
2b. Don’t have an account yet? Click “Register” to create a Brawl Busters account, it’s fast and free. Registration Step 3 will ask you for your Closed Beta Key- enter your key then;
3. Download the game client and you’re all set to brawl!
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Brawl Busters, an online multiplayer action combat game, brings a brand new free-to-play experience to PC gamers from all over the world. Featuring innovative gameplay and a signature offbeat style like no other, Brawl Busters is about to take the genre to a whole new level. Controls are intuitive and easy to learn, letting players focus on one thing: becoming World-Class Busters.
In Brawl Busters, players have full access to five unique classes: Boxer, Firefighter, Rocker, Slugger and Blitzer. Each class has its own unique moves, strengths and weaknesses as well as an extensive range of customization options. With 3 different co-op and multiplayer game modes as well as a Mission System for single player, Brawl Busters appeals to a range of players.
Hosting tournaments, organizing forum events and interacting through social media, the Brawl Busters Team also offers an outstanding gaming community to players as well!