Battlefield Play4Free Free item codes Giveaway free of 1500 funds

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Battlefield Play4Free Free item codes Giveaway free of 1500 funds
MMO Game: Battlefield Play4Free | Area: International | Official Website: Battlefield Play4Free
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Step 2. Sign up for free Here .
Step 3. Player needs to login with their EA/Origin account and visit the ‘store & funds’ tab and choose ‘redeem code’.
The codes need to be redeemed before 02/01/2013 07:00 UTC.
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About this game:
Battlefield Play4Free is a next-generation online multiplayer FPS which combines the very best of the Battlefield series: classic maps and vehicles of Battlefield 2, the classes and powerful weapons of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and the RPG-like leveling and customization system of Battlefield Heroes. It features the best graphics in the genre, it rivals HD console titles in its graphics, depth and realism.