Asda 2 Beginner Package Giveaway GameCampus

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Asda 2 Beginner Package Giveaway GameCampus
MMO Game: Asda2 | Area: Worldwide less DE, CH, AT | Official Website: Asda2
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Asda 2 beginer package giveaway events for GamesCampus with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and Asda 2 Beginner Package.
-Summer Festival Avatar Set (Exclusive to coupon)
-[7-Day] Premium Potion
-[7-Day] Dragon Doll Vehicle
-10x Teleport Scrolls
-10x HP Recovery Potions
1 Code
1 Use Per Account
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Step 2. Create an account and log in at Asda 2.
Step 3. Click My Account in the top right.
Step 4.-Select Cupon on the right navigation bar
Step 5.- Input Coupon Key, we give to you.
Make sure you have downloaded, installed the game for which the coupon is for.
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About this game:
Asda 2 is a 3D anime style fantasy themed MMORPG that continues the epic saga of a mystical land divided by warring Gods. As a standalone sequel to Asda Story players become heroes fighting for the Light or Dark side in a battle for control. Duel rivals in PvP brawls, participate in faction wars, summon pets to assist in combat and even find true love.