Archlord Expansion Free Item Giveaway Event

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Archlord Expansion Free Item Giveaway Event
MMO Game: Archlord | Area: International | Official Website: Archlord
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FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and with WebZen the Archolrd Expansion free item giveaway event.
To celebrate Archlord New Expansion Update: The Dark Revelation, we have teamed up with Webzen to give out Archlord Expansion Free Item gift keys. Just grasp a key and redeem the code! You will simply get the New Expansion Weapon which hasn’t been revealed and Inventory Extension Cash Item. Aside from Archlord Expansion Free Item Giveaway, players can have a chance to experience 4th battle zone, ‘Shrine’ and advanced user interface as well as skill re-balance.
Promotion Period
September 25 ~ October 22 (GST)
Item Giveaway Includes:
- New Expansion Weapon <14 Days>
- Inventory Extension Cash Item <14 Days>
Item will be provided once a week after weekly system maintenance for those who registered Item Giveaway Code. Detailed information is on the official Archlord website
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Go to Here and register.
Step 3. Wait until your input key digit numbers is verified, then click “Apply” Here.
Step 4. After you have activated the Item Giveaway Code, go to Live Archlord.
Step 5. Visit Event NPC and then click “Item Giveaway Reward”
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Archlord takes place in the world called Chantra, where thousands of fierce monsters and adventures existed.
Fight your way through dangerous dungeons, against many other players, as you try to level up your character and become the best.
There are currently 3 races that settle down in Chantra world, and the fourth race Dragon Scion will arrive in December.
All races have their own adaptations and abilities to help defeat their opponents. Players can choose from 9 different classes:
Elementalist, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Knights, Mages, Archers, Berserkers, Sorcerers, and Hunter.
Archlord is played by many people around the world. Enjoy Archlord with thousands of players across the world who speaks your language.
Also Archlord game servers located in the USA, Europe, and Asia which will give you better network service for a better game environment.
The Archlord game client provides multiple language options including English, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Players are now able to choose their preferred languages before entering the game, ultimately enhancing their gaming experience.
The Archlord game client provides multiple language options including English, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Players are now able to choose their preferred languages before entering the game, ultimately enhancing their gaming experience.
Explore the six different Chaotic Frontier realms. The six different level range dungeons provide unique and interesting challenges to Archlord players of all levels.
The special designed game factors will automatically adjust the player’s level depending on which Chaotic Frontier dungeon he or she enters.
The Battleground! A whole new kind of Race versus Race massive PVP system Unlike the previous objectives,
Battle Ground is more designed to cooperate with players across the Global to intense PVP battle in a great scale.
Help your race fight off its enemies for your race glory