Aion 7.0 Givaway New Users

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Aion 7.0 Givaway New Users
MMO Game: Aion | Area: European Servers | Official Website: Aion
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Instructions: and GameForge with Aion, offer this Free item giveaway for Aion 7.0. use the link you see on the steep 3.
You can only use one code per Account and you can only use a code once.
The Pack includes:
[Rune] Autumn Harvest Transformation Contract (65 types) 2 Player can obtain one of the 65 permanent transformation between the grades "Normal" to "Legendary"
Transformation Scroll (10x) 1 With this item players can use the permanent transformation, stat and look of transformation gets applied for 10min
Transparent Transformation Scroll (10x) 1 With this item players can use the permanent transformation but only the stats get applied, not the look of the transformation for 10min
Elven Outfit (15 days) 1 Costume skin (body)
Elven Epaulette (15 days) 1 Costume skin (shoulders)
Elven Hair Jewellery (15 days) 1 Costume skin (head)
Hero's Legendary Noble Steed (15 days) 1 Horse Mount to move around faster in the world
Step 1. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button) you can only sign up once for this giveaway. If is the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Sign up for FREE on Aion and login.
Step 4. Visit the AION Shop and Open the menu in the top right and click on ‘Redeem Code’. Enter your code and click ‘Redeem Now’ to confirm it.
Step 5. Now select the menu item ‘Manage bonuses’ and allocate the items to one of your characters. In the game you can summon the Shugo Messenger to bring you your items.
Step 6. Your coupon code is valid for three months and can only be redeemed once per account.
NOTE: Unfortunately ad blockers may interfere with our site. If you have any issues claiming a key, please disable them and try again or add our website to the list of allowed websites.
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
AION’s brand new update 7.0 is set to start on bringing with it a wide variety of fresh content and all kinds of fun and action!
Alongside the many game improvements, AION 7.0 offers two additional instances as well as a new class specialisation for the Artist. In this news we’re providing the background to the three big additions coming with the update:
The Painter
Colourful action with the new Artist specialisation
Irunin, the first Painter in Atreia, created the Aether Colours a long time ago with Siel’s help. Only the most gifted of students got to learn his arts. Once Siel sacrificed himself in the Cataclysm, Irunin disappeared under mysterious circumstances and the Painters were left behind, without no direction to follow. Finally, on the Day of the Storm, chaos broke out anew in Atreia and countless Painters gave their lives saving innocents. It is to the merit of these heroes that the specialisation of Painter is now officially recognised.
Dumaha Region
Thrilling combat in the Altar Siege Battle
Tiamat, who has taken Apsu’s place as Dragon Lord in Dumaha, has turned the once fruitful region to a barren waste. The Snuwa managed to resist being driven out of Dumaha and are protecting their Apsu Altars, which they have established across the land. The Stella Corporation is intent on developing Dumaha and returning it to its once fruitful glory, yet the Snuwa stand against this. Now it is up to the Daeva to bring peace back to the region.
The Stella Development Laboratory
Brand new PvE instance complete with exciting missions
The Stella Development Laboratory is a giant building, in which the main products of the Stella Corporation are made and processed. Reports came in to the Daeva that outlaws have forced their way into the laboratory. But the waste in the lab made the criminals lose their minds, making for untold chaos in the laboratory. The security system had been activated, yet the situation has been out of control for some time.
More information on this new game content in update 7.0 will be coming soon. So keep your eyes peeled for our next piece of news!
Source Gameforge - Aion 7.0