Conquer Online: “Dawn of the New War – Class redefinition” Gift Pack Giveaway

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Conquer Online: “Dawn of the New War – Class redefinition” Gift Pack Giveaway
MMO Game: Conquer Online | Area: International | Official Website: Conquer Online
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FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and with TQ Team and Conquer Online give to you a special giveaway Down of the New War – Class redefinition” Free Gift Pack Giveaway.
Duration: 31st May – 30st June
The TQ team is proud to introduce the new expansion, Dawn of the New War for Conquer Online! In this expansion, the Warriors have received two newly designed, powerful defensive skills, Defensive Stance & Magic Defender, which make their defense increase dramatically! In the meantime, Ninjas have got a new weapon, Scythe, and 3 new skills, with which the Ninjas will become the true king of the assassin. What’s more, the long anticipated changes for the Archer will come with a new weapon and a couple of new skills in the near future!
In order to celebrate the launch of the new expansion pack and to encourage more new players to join in, we provide a free luxury gift pack to help them get on the track quickly. Want to experience the most exiting PvP tournaments? Sign up for free today!
The gift pack contains below items:
1. Upgrade Pack: 2 EXP Potions every 5 levels, 2 EXP Balls every 10 levels and a Praying Stone every 20 levels for level 15 to level 120.
2. Super Equipment Pack: Steed+3 and a set of +3 Weapons (Weapon, Headgare, Necklace, Boots and Rings)
3. Fortune Pack: 20 CPs every day lasts for 30 days. You can use CPs to purchase items in Shopping Mall and VIP Store.
4. Dragon Valor Pack: 1 Riding Crop, 1 Garment, 1 Mount Armor, 1 Weapon Accessory, 1 Dragon Soul and 1 Refinery Material.
To redeem your Conquer Online gift pack, you have to follow the instructions below:
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook: .
Step 2. Add your email in the field below the image of the promo and check your email account and follow the instructions.
Step 3. Sign up for free on our Event Page here.
Step 4. Download the game and then login to create a new character
Step 5. here, input the gift pack code that you get from our media partners, confirm the group and server information in the Confirm Info pop up window.
Step 6. Login to the game and grab the gift packs from the Prize Officer (Market 185, 170). You can easily open up the “Path Finding” menu, choose “Others” and then click on the “Prize Officer”, the auto path system will lead you there automatically.
Event Rules:
1. For new signed up users only
2. One gift pack per account per IP
3. First come first served
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Conquer Online,the hottest Free-to-Play 2.5D MMORPG which sets in a fantasy world of ancient China. You act as a gallant hero, slaying dangerous monsters, completing perilous quests and battling for your honor with millions of players around the world! The game revealed its first debut back in 2003 and currently has more than 10 million registered users. Fluid and fast-paced combats, a myriad of PvP options gives you the most fun and satisfaction of your life!