Arctic Combat 2nd Closed Beta Giveaway - CB2

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Arctic Combat 2nd Closed Beta Giveaway - CB2
MMO Game: Arctic Combat | Area: International | Official Website: Arctic Combat
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FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and with WebZen the Second Closed Beta Giveaway of Arctic Combat, Free to Play MMOFPS.
The 2nd closed beta test for the modern military FPS game ‘ARCTIC COMBAT’ will start soon. For this closed beta new contents will be added including 2 new maps (Downtown and Vintage), clan system, and weapon customization.
Also players will be able to participate in the NA/EU Qualification Tournament to earn a chance to advance to the Veterans League World Championship held in South Korea.
Closed Beta Test Period
October 10th, 18:00, 2012 (PDT) ~ October 22nd, 01:00, 2012 (PDT)
October 11st, 02:00, 2012 (GMT) ~ October 22nd, 09:00, 2012 (GMT)
Closed Beta Test Beta Key Benefits
1) Beta Key activated accounts will be able to enjoy the game throughout the closed beta.
2) Beta Key activated accounts can participate in the NA and EU Qualification Tournaments to win the chance to advance to the World Championship.
Step 1. Follow us on Facebook:
Step 2. Create your account of Arctic Combat - AC Here .
Step 3. Wait until your input beta key is verified, then go to the AC Main Page.
Step 4. Click ‘Game Start’ and enter the battlegrounds of ARCTIC COMBAT!
Step: Share with your Friends:
About this game:
Arctic Combat revolves around the story of a national conflict between two groups; the Allied Forces (AF), led by the United States, and the Red Star Alliance (RSA), led by Russia. What begins as a dispute over natural resources in the arctic territory leads to a violent clash between the AF and RSA, dividing the world into two opposing forces and signaling the beginning of World War III. Players must choose sides and helping the war effort by annihilating their enemy.